Thursday, August 15, 2013

Do whatever He tells you

Last year, I thought I was attending my very last SFC conference.  It’s not because I was going to get married, but because I felt that the weekend was sO good, I wanted to end my conference experience with that memory.  Quit while you’re on top, right?

Recently, I was in Chicago grieving over the loss of my cousin when my Viber kept ringing “Are you going to conference?  You need to register by this weekend.”  I really didn’t want to think about or deal with it, but I knew the ACC’s were doing their job, so I had to figure out how to respond.  I started to get tally of who in my Unit would be going because I would go to support them.  I had no intention of going for myself.  However, given that part of the theme was “Obey”, I’ll admit that a little bit of guilt crept in and forced my hand at registering anyway.  Do whatever He tells you. “I’m going” is how I replied to the group…but with much apathy.

Conference season is usually the most exciting time for me: preparing for all the competitions, learning the new songs, and getting excited for reunions with friends from other areas.  Maybe it was due to everything else that was going on at the moment, but all this excitement was lost this year.   Not until the Friday before conference was when I started to become a bit excited.  It started with the fact that I couldn’t drive my car to Vegas anymore because my tires were close to bald.  I had to get them changed before leaving, but doing so would cost me more than I had.  (I got excited because of that?? Just wait!)  I tried to play different scenarios in my head on how my group would get to conference, but at the end I thought it would just be best for me not to go anymore and help find a ride for the other passengers.  I went to an SFC Teaching that night with a heavy, heavy heart.  I knew God provided, but….I had a BUT.  BUT, how was this going to happen??  I approached my ACC’s in hopes for a solution, only to find out they were having car troubles as well (even worse than mine).  However, I saw something in their eyes that was lacking in mine – trust in the Lord.  I saw hope for provision.  I only carried doubt in mine.  That point forward, I knew God had something amazing planned for conference (duh).  So I took this tiny cross and bore it.  By the end of that night, all of us figured out how we would get to Vegas and managed to make it a great and happy evening.  The rest of the week consisted of getting sick and dealing with aches and pains, but suffering without offering is a waste.  God allowed this to happen to me so I could lift it up and pray for each and every person attending the conference.  I prayed that God’s message would rein in their hearts, and they would experience the same LOVE of God that I was experiencing as well (if not more).  Were all the headaches (physical and metaphorical) worth it?  YES.