Thursday, January 2, 2014

New year

I grew up with a sort of superstition that how you start your year is a reflection of the rest of the year. I will finally have to admit that theory proves to be odd in so many ways. First of all, half the time people are drunk so unless they spend the rest of the year hung over....well wait that can actually happen. For myself, January 1, 2013 was uneventful but the rest of my year wasn't. A trip to the Philippines, Jennie Marie's freak accident leading to her death, Lucas Xavier's birth, and the eight of fifteen weddings I attended this year made for quite an eventful one. I apologize for the seven weddings I wasn't able to attend...all for good reason I assure you. This year, I spent my day on the couch catching up on television I never watch. Gluttony? Perhaps...if I wasn't feeling ill. My weird stomach pangs and dry cough contributed to the idea of just giving myself cabin fever. Let's hope this isn't a reflection of 2014, but I will say it crossed my mind to be less busy this year. So far I have five weddings and one confirmation in the books, and I plan on capping it there. Here's to another eventful year. One I hope to better remember and record.


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