Thursday, May 19, 2016


"Lord, draw me nearer to you than before..."

I attended a retreat for work today, and Mother Olga started us off with a song with that line in it.  That basically became the objective for me for the day.  I wanted to leave the retreat knowing I was closer to Jesus than when I entered the room this morning.

I'm still trying to process everything I heard, touched, smelled, experienced - but it's going to take some time.

All I did want to share with my world wide universe of 7 people, was that I am going to bed with an uber grateful heart.  Not only am I grateful for a fruitful retreat today, but I'm extremely grateful for the present situation I'm in.  I don't give thanks to God enough for my daily bread.  He provided a job for me that offers ways to not only evangelize but to be fed!  I spent my day not only listening to Mother Olga give inspiring talks, but I was able to break bread in so many ways with the people I serve with.  We shared stories and had personal reflections, but the greatest parts of the day for me was every time we, as an entire organization, prayed together as one family.  We had mass, adoration, recited the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and prayed the rosary.  OVERWHELMING.

I'm so grateful.  I went home feeling closer to Jesus than before.

Thank you, Lord.  Thank you.


  1. Wow! That's good! What was the name of the retreat, or what was it for?

  2. It was not a specific retreat, but we had one to guide the staff for deeper prayer and reflection
