Friday, March 6, 2015

last bite

I have a silly story to share, but God speaks to us in these little ways and I want the world to know about it.

I was in line for a sandwich at lunch today.  I had my eye on a beef sandwich...and for some reason really wanted it.  I mean REALLY.  As much as, "Mama Mary, can I get that sandwich?" wanted it haha.  Yeah...don't ask me why.  I don't even know why I wanted it that much.  But anyway, I did ask for it in a prayer as soon as I felt this desire in my heart for it.

I get up to the counter and it was gone :(  Sad face indeed.  I figured it wasn't meant to be and just looked for the next best sandwich...turkey with bacon (nom....bacon).

As I got my sandwich, my friend looks at it and says, "Oh that looks good!"  I replied, "Yours does too" as I noticed she had one of the beef sandwiches I wanted.  She then proceeded to offer a trade because she felt like she would like mine better.  The only thing is that she doesn't like bacon, so she made me keep that part.

SO WAIT.  I got my beef sandwich AND bacon?!?!


Mother Mary and Jesus canNOT be outdone in generosity.  My heart's desires were not only fulfilled but over flowing with God's love.

I walked away laughing and feeling as if I hit the jackpot.  I realized that I needed to pray on the other desires in my heart that I've been holding on to lately.  He reminded me in this small way that we just need to ask and we shall truly receive.  His blessings do not delay.  Imagine how quickly I got the sandwich just as I thought it was already all gone.  Plus He is ready to give me more than I really want because He wants me to have the best.  Immediately I prayed for a few deep desired intentions.

Lord, hear my prayers.

Thank you, Jesus, for my friend's generosity.  Thank you, Lord, for Your generosity.  Thank you, Mama Mary, for bringing my prayer to Jesus.

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