Thursday, March 19, 2015

man of honor

Happy Solemnity of St. Joseph, my friends!  Today is a special day in our Church because we get to celebrate one of the greatest unsung heroes of our faith.  Papa Joe's YES was so crucial, as he was the man chosen to not only foster baby Jesus but to also be the one to protect, provide, and pastor his wife, Mary.  The head of the household is such an important role.  It is one that gets lost in the chaos of today's world.  Godbless the men who stand up and lead the family in faith and holiness.  Thank you for following the footsteps of St. Joseph.  St. Joseph was a strong, silent man who was a great teacher to his son, Jesus.

I'm early because his birthday isn't until next week, but I want to honor the first "St. Joseph" of my life.  He is the first man I loved and one that sets the standards high.  He is a veRy imperfect man, just as all saints have pasts.  By God's grace and awesome plan, my dad was open to the Holy Spirit working in His life.  Conversion of heart led him to not only a life free of drunkenness and tarred lungs, but it brought him to a life where he gets to lead others to Christ.  I don't want to brag too much about this humble man, but his speaking abilities are so engaging.  He really attracts people to a life in Christ.  His advice is based on wisdom, a gift of the Holy Spirit.

My dad is so generous.  God is never outdone in generosity, and he uses my dad to prove that point.  My brother and I are grown adults, but it feels as though I'm insulting him whenever I offer to pay for a meal when we're all together.  My dad wants to provide.

He wants to talk to my brother and myself every day to make sure we are okay.  He watches the news and calls to tell us what drugs to look out for (so we don't get roofied) or how to avoid getting viruses in our computers and cell phones.  He wants to protect.

My dad texts me on Thursday nights of Lent to remind me to not eat meat soon because it will be Friday.  I can call him anytime and ask for any messages from the Lord that he feels inspired to share.  He always has the right words, thank God.  My dad wants to pastor.

This man takes great care of our family.  He is so loving and a blessing.  I'm so honored to have him as my father.  He is ALWAYS supportive and has my back.  If he didn't, I wouldn't have just spent my 7th year anniversary in Los Angeles ;)

Dad worries very very little (at least outwardly) because in any and every situation we face as a family or individuals, he always ends it with "Let God be in control.  Let God's plan and will be done."  I am sure his many "kids" can attest to that.  My dad is not a worry wort and always just leaves it up to the Lord.  This is a great example that I need to always be aware of and follow.  Thank you, dad, for loving us so much and praying for us 24/7.  Haaaappy birthday and cheers to many many more years to come.  I love you.

St. Joseph, please continue to pray for him and all men.  May they see you as a model of patience, humility, strength, and unconditional love.

Lord, it's always in Your hands.


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