Monday, July 11, 2016

the gift

"Don't put that sucker down!!" -- These are words shared by a wise sister friend of mine, regarding our need to carry our crosses in life.  Oh, I'm so grateful to hear someone just say it point blank with conviction.  We need more of that in our lives, don't you agree?  Some things can't be sugarcoated.

I was reminded in a raw way that I have many times put my cross down and chose to do what I wanted to do...not what God wanted me to do.  I mean just like most people, I enjoy the easy route without having to carry anything around with me.  But gosh darn it...if the cross is our key to salvation, why the heck do I want to put the key away?  I need to guard it, embrace it, and thank God for it.

The same night we had the discussion about carrying our cross, I saw this painting of a beautiful lady with her precious son.  Hm.  They were offering me a cross I can carry.  The looks in their eyes were saying, "This is our gift to you."

At the same time, they were saying, "We can help you carry it, Maricris.  My son and I can help you."

In today's gospel, Jesus says, "...and whoever does not take up his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me." (Matthew 10:38)

For a long time, I thought I was carrying the cross I was given.  To this day I still think, "Yup.  Got it.  Carrying it."

Nope.  Well, okay fine...only sometimes.  It'd be wrong of me to say I never carried my crosses.

The harsh reality is that most of the time I see it and want to run the opposite direction.  However, I know I've turned away from true joy too many times and it's time I change the game.  I see you, cross.  I may still find myself wanting to put it down, but I know I have the support and love from my prayer warriors to get me going.  I know that Mama Mary and Jesus are walking alongside of me.

There is no new information here, people.  No new revelation, no new teaching.  One small tweak can lead to total transformation, and this could be that one change in your life that will help lead you to holiness.

My prayer tonight is for you to have the strength to carry your cross.  Whatever it may be, know that this beautiful gift is from love and we are here to help each other carry it.

Praying for you right now.

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