Monday, December 15, 2014

music and joy

My subtheme for Advent this week is "Receive JOY".  Last week I had to learn to empty myself in order to receive Jesus...and now this week I need to learn to take Him in and let Him live in my heart.   He's always trying to give me gifts of Joy but I keep ignoring the packages because I'm caught up in my own web of "drama".  I can't "enjoy the journey" of Advent moping around.  It just doesn't work that way.  I need to find joy in the life God has given me, and the situations He puts me through.  This morning in adoration, I practically begged to be filled with that Joy.  "Lord, help me feel that happiness you want me to feel.  Let me not care or worry about the things out of my control.  Let me feel joy so I may rejoice in You this advent season."

God does not delay.

Hours later, He not only planted that joy in my heart but it was OVERFLOWING.  I went to Blessed Sacrament Church in Hollywood today for an Audrey Assad concert.  She was aMAzing.  It was a true night of worship, and every song she sang brought tears in my eyes.  I was just happy to experience music so beautiful in the true presence of God, with the Blessed Sacrament behind her.  I felt sincere joy.  But the cherry on top was seeing my Caritas family.  I went on retreat with this amazing group over a year ago, and seeing some of them for the first time since then just brought back all these memories.  The most important memory I found and felt was the peace I left the retreat with.  There was something so life-changing about that weekend, that I can't even explain it...yet I felt that Spirit of peace and change fill my heart again. Seeing them was just wonderful, even if I was not able to catch up with all of them .  Again, my heart was not only full but bursting out uncontrollably with joy.

Thank you, Lord, for filling me with JOY so I may continue to rejoice with the rest of the Church.  Even if you didn't give me the concert and my Caritas reunion, I know I'd still be happy....but not like this.  You know the way to my heart through music.  You really know how to fill my heart, and I can only remember to do the same for you always.  In a world where we get caught up in our own problems, are we wise in remembering God for all He's done for us?  Do we bring God joy by the way we live our lives?


For a taste of Audrey Assad, check out this song "Good to Me".  It was one of my favorites from tonight's set.  Enjoy!

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